About Me

Hi, thanks for taking the time out to have a look at my posts. I really hope you enjoy reading them and you find value in the content and information I am going to be sharing and hopefully, it might even help someone make a difference in their life.

I never thought for a second this would be something I would be doing, as putting myself out there is VERY much out of my comfort zone. Saying that I felt very guided to start writing articles and sharing information on topics which I've learned over the last few years. looking back now at everything and the decisions I made in my life it has all led me to this point and I really believe that it was all meant to be. 

My passion for personal growth, health & nutrition has led me to write out pages and pages of information not really knowing why. Now it all makes sense as I know it was all for the purpose of eventually doing this blog and sharing with others who have the same interests. Also over the last 6 years, my interest in spirituality has massively grown especially, when I started to receive so many signs and synchronicities that I could no longer ignore them. Then in 2017, I experienced my own spiritual awakening. I will be posting some information about that and all the different signs and synchronicities for anyone who is interested or if anyone is experiencing signs of an awakening themselves. Now more than ever before people are evolving and waking up every day now.

Also having worked as a pharmacy technician for about 6yrs, and working with a health and wellness company for about 3 years  I have a good understanding of the body and how it works and how important it is to take care of our mind body and Soul. 

Many thanks
