Spiritual Awakening..Becoming the REAL you!

What does Spiritual awakening mean? 

“What you are is God’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.”

Hans Urs von Balthasar

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience”. This is so true, life is one big school and the reason you’re here is to learn and grow from different life experiences. This is for the purpose of your soul’s expansion, growth, and evolution. Everyone is destined to eventually awaken whether you awaken in this present life, or in some future life is a matter of how you approach spirituality. Spiritual awakening marks the beginning of our spiritual path, it can be a shocking, painful, and extremely upsetting time of your life. Often people who experience spiritual awakening feel as though their entire lives have been turned upside down and inside out. This experience can lead to self-isolation and bouts of depression and sometimes chronic anxiety. Generally speaking, the spiritual awakening process happens in conjunction with an experience known as “The Dark Night of the Soul”. I will explain in a lot more detail what that means in another post.

That been said its a natural process of your soul evolving, maturing and expanding. Just like everything in life grows so does our connection with our soul. The more you connect with your soul or higher self the more transformation you experience. Even though this process can feel painful and uncomfortable in the beginning, it ultimately leads you to live a more meaningful life. The Life you were destined to live and even agreed to before your soul was incarnated on earth.

When you are evolving spiritually it can be a very lonely painful process. This is because not everyone around you will evolve or understand what is going on with you and its very hard to verbalize it as it is more of an inner knowing.

As your vibration becomes higher your desire to be on your own grows more and more, but at the same time feel guilty about not wanting to spend as much time with people you used to spend your time with. Spiritual awakening is really a journey of self-discovery that’s why a lot of people go into hermit mode searching for answers, these answers are usually found within when you connect with your higher self and really listen e.g during meditation.

“Your sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again.”Joseph Campbell

Therefore you prefer solitude over been with lots of people. You might start to naturally be attracted to new people that you are now in alignment with. The reason for this is because this time the connection is from soul to soul due to you both vibrating at the same frequency. You literally become allergic to anything superficial or not real and authentic

“Soul connections are not often found and are worth every bit of fight left in you to keep.”

Shannon Alder

An awakening can generally be defined as a newfound awareness of a spiritual reality. No person can really fully define an awakening for another. Every person has a different outlook on life and defines things differently. It can happen at any moment or stage in your life. This experience can be spontaneous but they can also be triggered by a major life changes like traumas, tragedies, addictions, life-threatening illnesses, divorce or a midlife crisis.

Awakening is more likely to take place where there has been unhappiness or sorrow in someone’s life due to the suffering of some kind. It is often the reason we start to search for answers hoping to find a way out of pain and sorrow. Awakening and Enlightenment is the process of establishing a connection with one’s spiritual essence. The Path to this experience is already prepared for you in a divine plan. A journey that leads to awareness of the meaning of life and fulfillment of your mission here on earth. Your awakening is felt throughout your body, heart, mind, and Soul.

“An awake heart is like a sky that pours light.”


Spiritual awakening is the process by which we begin to explore our own being in order to become whole and reunite our spirit with our physical bodies. When it comes to an awakening it is almost impossible to fully describe what is means with words much of what transpires as you awaken cannot be seen or accurately described, but rather can only be felt, lived through and experienced.

Some describe awakening as the moment when you open your heart to god/universe, Source whatever that means for you and allow in a new level of light and begin to see and experience a deeper understanding of what life really is. You start to look at and question your life and wonder exactly why your on this earth, thinking there must be a bigger purpose than what you’re currently doing. Spiritual awakening is a moment of transcendence that can affect all areas of your life.

“She remembered who she was and the game changed.”  

Lalah Delia

Believe in your heart that you’re meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic, and miracles.”

Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

The only way to get through this difficult time is to do the inner work of psychological and spiritual practice of diving deep into your inner self for the purpose of self-understanding, healing, and transformation. Whether it was through meditation or yoga as these are two major stepping stones in spiritual awakening. Some feel drawn to tarot readers, energy or reiki healers it’s different for everyone. As you begin to evolve spiritually, you will start to naturally detach from material things and start to notice the beauty in your surroundings and start to appreciate the smaller things in life.

most common Signs and Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening!

Now more than ever before the world is rapidly evolving and changing. We are now in a time of awakening and people have a desire for change and are more conscious and awake to habits and practices that have gone on for too long. You really feel the need to take full control of your own life. along with taking care of your body, nutrition becomes very important looking after yourself from the inside out mentally, emotionally and physically. You will also experience some of the following Signs and Symptoms, there are many symptoms, not just emotional but psychological along with some physical symptoms. I will list some of the ones that most people might experience.

1. You start to long for more meaning in your life- You have a strong feeling that your here for a bigger purpose. It nearly always involves helping humanity in some way shape or form. You have new ideas and inspirations really wanting to make a difference. It will be your life purpose or soul mission BUT it’s up to you to figure out what that is. Just follow the signs and synchronicities and you won’t go wrong, your higher self knows exactly what it is that your here to do. This wanting to make a real impact translates to actively helping others or finding a life purpose that aligns with your soul. Basically, you want to live from a place of your heart and soul just to be happy living as who you really are.

“There is far more spiritual potential within than most people realize. The potential is so great that to define it in words would be impossible.”

Belsebuub, Gazing into the Eternal:

2. A sense of feeling you are lost or alone– Everything that once made sense just doesn’t feel the same anymore. You feel totally cut off and alone from the friends, work colleagues, family members people you once could relate too. It’s very hard to explain to others what exactly it is your feeling or experiencing because unless they’re having an awakening they won’t understand, so its easier to keep it to yourself. You know your changing and evolving into a new person this can be a very scary and exciting time of your Awakening.

3. You really desire to know who you are- You start to ask yourself endless questions about who you are “why am I here” “what am I here to do” “what is my purpose in life. This then leads you to people or methods of divination that can help you find the answers to these questions. For me, it was Tarot and oracle reader on youtube, Reiki, spiritual advisors and motivational speakers like Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Wayne Dyer, I even bought my own cards learning how to read my own energy. Some people turn to shamans or mediums, Reiki healers, Self-help books, motivational speakers on youtube others meditate, practice yoga or working with crystals there’s lots more. Basically, whatever it is you are guided to do it will be different for each person. Like is said before your soul or higher self will guide you. During this time your intuition is heightened and gradually you begin to listen to your inner voice allowing it to guide your decisions. This eventually will uncover and awaken your hidden spiritual gifts and talents.

4. You begin to feel deep empathy and compassion– As you start paying attention you really notice the hardships faced by people and nature developing more empathy and compassion. You might even find it hard to cope with the intensity of your feelings. Everything impacts you more, you start to pick up on other peoples energy very strongly. That’s why it is very important to cleanse your energy with some sage daily if possible, especially if your in the line of work that involves you dealing and working with lots of people. This is something I try to do whenever I can as I work in an environment where I surrounded by many people every day and want to keep my own energy cleansed if possible.

5. You might want to quit your job– Even though some people have spent a year studying to getting your degrees and diplomas, climbing the corporate ladder you might feel nothing but emptiness and unfulfillment you desire more. Being true to yourself becomes your priority you just want to be completely authentic. Even if that means taking massive pay cuts or moving house whatever drastic change you know you need to make to feel like the real you, this could involve people, places and things. You learn to trust your guidance knowing its something to need to do. It’s like an inner calling that no one else will understand and will think for crazy for making these changes. This is when trust and faith come into play in a big way, again its a very scary time because of the massive life-changing decisions you might need to make.

6. You might experience anxiety or depression– Due to some awakenings been very sudden, you may go through deep bouts of depression or anxiety. The shock of your awakening leaves you feeling unstable. Sometimes it feels like your starting to lose your mind, especially with all the different signs and synchronicities.

7. Really paying attention to the foods you eat – You naturally are more attracted to certain foods and you start to reject foods you would have normally eaten. Suddenly you really want to take care of your body more than ever eating and drinking the right foods and taking supplements. This is why some people find they can’t eat animal or animal products anymore. Also, many people can no longer tolerate products that contain gluten chemicals of refined flours. We naturally don’t want to eat these foods anymore and even if you do your body reacts strongly to it. You might even develop new allergies or food intolerance.

8. Feeling to been connected to everything and everyone – Some people speak of a feeling of oneness. As your connection gets stronger and stronger you feel you are at one with all living beings and nature. Not only do you mentally understand that we are all interconnected, but you feel it deep within your soul. You begin to realize that our thoughts and beliefs influence our reality and that we are all fragments of one great whole. Sometimes this stage can take years or even an entire lifetime.

9. Personal growth and working on yourself becomes a major part of your life –  When your going through your spiritual awakening you are being guided towards your higher self. As you are been guided you look to surround yourself with positivity, inspiration and personal development activities. This may be physical or spiritual you might be drawn to self-help books, meditation, praying, yoga, running, personal development seminars or forums. Some people are drawn to certain people on youtube like motivational speakers, mindset gurus, or podcasts, audiobooks whatever it is for you.

10. Hypersensitivity –  Along with your five physical senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell) they become more and more heightened. Your spiritual senses also develop (intuition, emotions, imagination, and inspiration). You understand that our emotions are our compass that our soul uses to guide us onto the right path. You will know when you’re not listening to your intuition it creates a negative emotion.

11. Sings and synchronicities –  Signs will play a massive part in your spiritual awakening journey. This was definitely the case in my awakening especially the numbers 1111, 2222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999,1010,1212,1717 but mostly 1111 it really is amazing how they can time it to the second to make us look at our phone or a car pulls out in front of ye with certain numbers or you hear a song just when you had a certain thought, so many times on a daily basis, unbelievable really. each number carries a different message and vibration 2222 would carry a much stronger message than 22. You could see these numbers anywhere from clocks, number plates, receipts, etc. Because music is a big part of my life I get a lot of messages and answers through lyrics in songs this is because my guides know that’s something I will connect with, it will be different for everyone. You could also start seeing feathers in a really unusual place or finding coins, rainbows some people see angelic shapes in the clouds.

My awakening was definitely not sudden. It is a process that has gone on over the last 5 years, fully waking up in 2017 not questioning it anymore understanding what was happening and why. Even after your initial awakening, you are always evolving having epiphanies and signs throughout your journey. One of the first things I noticed long before I knew anything about spiritual awakenings was a big white cloud in the perfect shape of angel wings, also finding white feathers became very common along with the rainbows but definitely, the numbers were the number one channel of communication for me with my spirit guides. I have always loved numbers as well maths and accountancy were my favorite subjects in school, so they knew it wouldn’t be long before I started to take notice of the synchronicities. The more you grow spiritually, the more your energy increases you will understand how perfectly everything is orchestrated. You meet people chance, the right people were in the right place at the right time. This because your energy and vibration state is higher. The more positive you are the higher your vibration (your vibe attracts your tribe) the more you will attract positive circumstances into your life.

You start to become conscious of the many signs and coincidences that life brings to you. Life becomes much more receptive and interactive with you. Serendipity and Deja Vu increase. Synchronicity is the experience of meaningfully related events that are unlikely coincidences. These synchronicities usually are your guides just reminding you that you are on the right path.

Finally, you might also experience some physical symptoms this was the case for I had nearly all the following symptoms.

Physical signs differ for everyone

1. Change in your sleep patterns- you might need more or less sleep

2. Vivid dreams – having dreams with messages that are very vivid, and you remember when you wake up.

3. Dizziness/vertigo – feeling light-headed as a result of been underground during the day. Deep breathing or meditaion can help with this.

4. Weight Change – either gaining or losing weight, in my situation it was weight loss. Out of the blue, I started to lose weight for no reason, people asking me what was I doing. I didn’t understand why I was either because I wasn’t doing anything different. This is due to your energy vibrating at a higher level because of ascension.

5. You discover food intolerances that you never seemed to have before e.g allergies to nuts, wheat, soy or spices.

6. Fluctuations in energy – sometimes you feel like you have loads of energy than another day feeling really drained.

7. The decreased immune function then increased immune functioning.

8. Feeling of bliss –  Your awakening will give you a feeling of happiness, with a new found love and grattitude for life, feeling joy for no reason.

9. Ringing in the ears – some people with hearing ringing in the ears frequently, this is because of your ascension.

10. Chills or shivers – Having chills or shivers when your not cold is a sign you are very connected to source energy.

An interesting fact is that “Buddha” means to be awakened and if translated from Sanskrit it is not a persons name but a state of consciousness.

Really hope this helps some of ye that are going through your own awakening, I Would really love to hear from ye if you are.

Talk to ye soon







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    1. Hi Thanks so much for reading the blog and leaving ur comment. A lot of my information comes from my own personal experience over the last few years having my own awakening. I also read books on spirituality and I follow a lot of spiritual people on youtube. There is no one source, I gather information from multiple sources.

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  31. Well Em………..  I'm very impressed and very proud of you, well done. The article itself was eloquently written and I found the "personal experience"  that you shared with us, invigorating. I am so happy for you that you have reached this stage in your life. Even though there are times when it can be so overwhelming I'm sure you will agree that the end result is so liberating & rewarding!  We all go through so many different stages in our lives, some good, some not so good. Some experiences that can leave us emotionally scarred, psychologically broken leaving life hard to bare at times. But I would have to say that the "stage of life" you refer to in your story is that of liberation and gratification. To know who you are, being happy with who you are and finding your lifes' purpose is the best feeling ever.  Your strength and kindness in sharing your story is to be commended and I have no doubt that it will be beneficial to so many out there.  Congratulations Em, be very proud of yourself xx

    1. Hi, Breda thank you so much for your lovely comment really means the world to me..honestly getting such positive feedback is brilliant especially starting off on my journey because im so critical of myself, so your comment has really inspired me to keep going and hopefully it helps others along the way xxx

  32. Well done Emmeline on Another brillant Insight into our bodies and now Out Spiritual Happenings and especially the signs example feathers and Numbers ,all Makes sense now 😇😇😘

  33. This post has put slot of things into prospective for me, Thank you Emily, I really look forward to reading your next post 💞

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